Radiation apparel for flight crews and frequent flyers

Let nothing stand in the way of your extraordinary life

Your health comes first

Radiation Exposure During Flight

Did you know that every time you fly on a plane you are exposing yourself to high amounts of cosmic radiation?

Did you also know that flight crews have a 35% higher cancer rate than any other occupation in the country?

This is because of continuous exposure to radiation when flying. And here at Voltaiir, we are determined to fix that.

We made a protective undershirt, you should wear one.

How it works:

Silver Lined Technology

About Us

At Voltaiir, we are passionate about the health and longevity of pilots and flight crews. We are raising awareness about the cancer causing effects from high dosages of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiation when flying. Our apparel is woven with a thick silver layer that shields you from in-flight radiation and EMF from GPS and communication systems. Live healthier longer with Voltaiir protective apparel.