Flight Radiation FAQ

How does the human body get rid of radiation after a long flight at high altitude?

During a long flight at high altitude, the human body is exposed to increased levels of ionizing radiation, primarily from cosmic rays. These high-energy particles can penetrate the aircraft and the human body, depositing energy and ionizing molecules along their path, potentially leading to genetic mutations or cancer.

The body can eliminate this radiation exposure through various mechanisms, such as DNA repair mechanisms, elimination of radioactive particles through urine and feces, and the dissipation of energy through surrounding tissues. However, the body's ability to get rid of radiation depends on the dose and type of radiation exposure, as well as the individual's overall health and immune system.

After a long flight at high altitude, the body's primary mechanism for eliminating radiation exposure is through DNA repair mechanisms. Cells in the body can repair the damage caused by ionizing radiation by using various repair mechanisms, such as base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, and double-strand break repair.

Additionally, the body can eliminate any radioactive particles that may have been absorbed through the urine and feces. However, this mechanism may not be significant after a long flight as the levels of exposure are generally low.

Overall, the body's ability to get rid of radiation after a long flight at high altitude is limited, and it is essential to limit exposure to harmful radiation as much as possible. Some ways to minimize radiation exposure during air travel include choosing flights that fly at lower altitudes, sitting away from windows, and wearing protective gear such as radiation-blocking clothing.



What is EMF?

EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field, which is produced by moving electrical charges. Most of us are used to the conveniences of modern life, but few of us are aware of the possible health risks presented by the gadgets that make our world work. It turns out that our cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, and other appliances send out a stream of invisible energy waves that some experts are concerned about. Experts are saying that not only can EMF affect our DNA, it can affect everything from our sleep and brain function to our hormones and our bodies ability to naturally repair itself.

Why this is important for pilots and flight crews to pay attention to because there is significantly more EMF's in airplanes. Pilots sitting in the cockpit are consistently bombarded with EMF from the radio, GPS systems, control panels, alarms, etc. You can see in our video that the radio is extremely high when in use.

There are also WIFI boosters throughout the plane that read significantly high in order to accommodate for the many customers on a plane. These are typically located in the ceilings or walls of planes. 



What is so bad about Radiation? 

Fact: we are exposed to the highest amounts of radiation when we fly in an air plane. At high altitudes we are exposed to Galactic Cosmic Radiation, intense UV rays from the sun, and possible solar flares which are super charged with negative ions. Radiation actually breaks down our DNA strands. While our body repairs itself after low dosage exposure, high dosages cause DNA distress and mutations.

This can lead to aging, sickness, cancer, and extreme fatigue. Studies have shown that airline crews have 20-30% higher occurrences of breast cancer, testicular cancer, and blood cancers like leukemia. Many governing bodies also classify airline workers as “radiation workers.” Frequent flyers are also in the high risk category for developing the same cancers and experiencing extreme fatigue. By wearing a thin layer of silver clothing, you can protect yourself from all of these health effects.


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