Our Story

Hello all,

My name is Alanna and I am the founder and CEO of Voltaiir. I wanted to take a moment to share with you why I created Voltaiir.

My Father is the best pilot I know. He spent years as an international pilot flying the 747, airbus 330, and many others. After retiring from the airlines, he became a bush pilot in Alaska. Flying along the Aleutian islands over Cook Inlet and all the way out to Dutch Harbor. Over volcanoes, moose and bear, It was incredible. Now far past retirement age, my Dad still flys privately for businesses in the area. He has a passion for flying like i've never seen with another career and most pilots share this passion. 

What you do not know, is my father has battled with Leukemia for the last 10 years of his flying career. He is a tough man and having grown up on a farm in Wisconsin and served in the air force, he would never complain or feel sorry for himself. Cancer is just another obstacle in life to overcome. I know he has suffered more than he cares to admit, having multiple rounds of chemo, going through clinical trials, and trying different drugs. While I am thrilled to say he is in remission, the drugs he now takes give him many frustrating side effects. He has had to re-apply to the FAA multiple times, each time proving he is a power house and will live a long time, even with Leukemia.

What concerned me the most was that many of our family friends who are pilots started to deal with bouts of cancer. Testicular, breast, and skin cancer. I started asking around and realized this is a common theme. After months of research I found that flight crews have a 20% higher cancer occurrence rate than other careers. Anyone in a plane at high altitude is exposed to a high level of cosmic radiation. Radiation has been recognized as a direct cause of many cancers and prolonged repetitive exposure can increase cancer risk dramatically. There are many governing bodies and prominent organizations that actually label flight crews as radiation workers. One even went to say that flight crews are exposed to more radiation than common plant radiation workers because they do not wear any kind of protection.

There is one simple way to protect flight crews and frequent flyers and that is by wearing a thin layer of silver clothing. One thin layer of silver deflects 99.9% of radiation. That simple. I created our base layer t’s to be breathable and comfortable with enough silver in them to protect our main organs. Do I believe this will stop all cancer occurrences for frequent flyers? No. But the road to health is full of little changes that add up to a big difference. I created this brand in hopes that no other pilot, flight attendant, or frequent flyer will have to deal with cancer. Help me spread the awareness of these risks and protect our family in the sky.

To the all the pilots out there, flight attendants, frequent flyers and business travelers, wheels up. Let nothing stand in the way of your extraordinary life. Your health comes first.


Founder, Voltaiir