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Steps Pilots and Flight Crews Can Take Before and After Flights

Pilots and aircrew are exposed to higher levels of radiation due to the altitude at which planes fly. However, there are several ways pilots and aircrews can protect themselves from radiation exposure while flying:

  1. Wear radiation-blocking clothing: Pilots can wear radiation-blocking clothing, such as those made with lead or silver, to protect against radiation exposure.

  2. Take steps to flush out radiation immediately after a trip: Drink lots of fluids to flush out the body. Take supplements like Vitamin C to help reduce free radicals from radiation. Walk outside in the sun to absorb Vitamin D and breath fresh air to flush out your lungs. Shower and scrub your body thoroughly with soap and water.

  3. Limit exposure time: Pilots can limit their exposure time by taking breaks in areas with lower levels of radiation (bunk rooms in larger planes) or by reducing the number of flights per month.

  4. Get regular medical check-ups: Pilots can undergo regular medical check-ups to monitor their health and detect any changes that may be related to radiation exposure.

It is important to note that the risk of harmful effects from radiation exposure during air travel is generally low. However, for pilots and aircrew who fly frequently, taking these precautions can help reduce their exposure to ionizing radiation and maintain their overall health and well-being.


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Notice the fatigued feeling after a flight? Jet lag? Brain fog? Not only is your body exposed to EMF's from multiple security scanners and airport wifi, you are also exposed to a high amount of cosmic radiation in the air. Any form of radiation causes the breakdown of millions of cells in your body, and it's a lot of work to repair. 

While our shirts can protect you from a lot, there are a few other products we recommend to help you recover quickly after a flight.  


Water and Wellness

After a flight we all realize quickly just how dehydrated we are. Then we arrive at different hotels in different states or countries only to taste terrible faucet water, or bottled water that has been stripped of trace minerals and electrolytes. 

Adding a hydrogen tablet to your water after landing is the easiest way to hydrate quickly and restore your body to its natural balance. Hydrogen water can help your physical recovery, boost energy quickly, and alleviate brain fog and fatigue. 

Water and Wellness company on a mission to help you optimize your hydration. First, by cleaning up your drinking water.

Water and Wellness provides the systems that purify your drinking water, removing pharmaceutical drugs, POPs, plastics and the nutritional imbalances caused by environmental toxins.

Second, by structuring it with essential minerals and trace elements.

Modern agricultural methods have resulted in depleted minerals in soils. That means the foods you eat no longer provide maximum nutritional value. Water and Wellness has created simple, affordable and high-quality products that structure your drinking water adding back the minerals your body requires.



Earth Runner

Earth Runners

Whether you've been sitting on an airplane all day traveling and you need to reboot your body's electrical rhythms, or you're headed out for a trail run and you want to experience a connection to the planet like nothing you've ever felt before, Earth Runners are the perfect solution.

Earth Runners are minimalist sandals inspired by the world renowned long distance runners, the Tarahumara Native American Indians of Northwestern Mexico. These custom molded sandals recreate that one-of-a-kind primal experience of running or hiking barefoot, while minimizing risk of injury to your feet.

But Earth Runners go a step further, and actually enhance your body's natural connection to the planet Earth. Earth Runners' barefoot technology allows for energy flow of electrons between your feet and Earth. Both the copper plug and connected conductive laces ground you electrically by allowing electron transfer from the planet – directly to your body. So this earthing and grounding footwear actually enhances your connection to earth, allowing you to fight jet lag, increase energy, decrease brain fog, increase your time to fatigue and generate greater immune system strength.

All Earth Runners sandals are made in the USA, in a small factory in the Santa Cruz mountains. The creators – runners and healthy living enthusiasts Michael Dally and Colin Evans combine ancient design with modern manufacturing to create the ultimate sandal experience. Lightweight and durable in design, these sandals are built to hold up in any of your travel and outdoor adventures for years to come.